How to Make Non-dairy Drinks with a Slow Juicer

Home-made dairy-free drink using your Panasonic Slow Juicer.

Do you want to prepare your own home-made non-dairy drink?
Can’t take it any longer to run to the supermarket at the last minute and read through all the additives and preservatives among the ingredients?
Here you finally have a very simple guide to make your own home-made dairy-free drink.

You will only need 2 simple ingredients: natural mineral water and the basic ingredient that will give your homemade dairy-free drink the taste and texture!

There are endless possibilities and alternatives in the vegan diet and this also includes the preparation of plant-based drinks that are also useful for people with lactose intolerance or those who want alternatives to the classic cow’s milk. This is not a product used exclusively by those who follow a diet without animal ingredients but an option available to everyone!

I myself stopped drinking and eating dairy products and derivatives many years ago for health reasons, well before becoming vegan and I must admit that, in my case, it was the right choice. I suffered from sinusitis, rhinitis and colds that lasted even months since I remember it, and by simply eliminating dairy products and derivatives, the symptoms never showed up again and I recovered. Never again a cold since then! But this is my personal story and I don’t want to suggest that it applies to everyone, but in my personal case it worked and I recovered completely!

In supermarkets there are more and more pre-packaged options for non-dairy products, but nothing can be better than a home-made product without additives, preservatives and added sugars. Not to mention the fact that it is a fresh product prepared according to our personal taste!

So let’s start making our home-made non-dairy drink with the slow juicer.
I chose 4 basic ingredients without gluten and with different properties in order for you to choose the one that fits to your dietary needs.

Here the 4 recipes to make your own home-made non-dairy drink
with your Panasonic Slow Juicer:

Some more details about the different non-dairy drink:

Buckwheat drink both raw and toasted. It is a pseudocereal (it is a seed and not a cereal with properties similar to quinoa), high in protein, naturally gluten-free and a source of mineral salts and vitamin B and E. Fresh, creamy and light, it is perfect for enriching smoothies and for soaking biscuits and granola.

Hemp drink is fresh and fast to prepare because it does not require soaking. High in protein and digestible, rich in good fats, essential Omega 3 amino acids and anti-inflammatory, this plant-based drink is perfect for preparing smoothies, cold drinks and chia pudding.

Almond drink, the most common and perhaps the most popular home-made non-dairy drink. Creamy, dense and with a rich natural flavor of almonds (as opposed to many commercial vegetable drink that contain only natural aroma or chemicals!). Rich in good fatty acids, highly alkalizing and with anti-oxidant properties, home-made almond drink is ideal for enriching coffee at breakfast, for preparing creamy porridge (also using the pulp or okara), any sweets, biscuits or baked things, smoothies and both hot and cold drinks.

Gluten-free oat drink, easy and quick to prepare, requires a very short soaking of oat flakes. Rich in fiber and with more protein than other cereals, oats are also a source of antioxidants and can help lower blood cholesterol levels and control hunger attacks. Naturally sweet and creamy, oat drink is perfect as a base for smoothies, to soak biscuits, granola and to prepare desserts. Oat drink is an excellent alternative because it is less caloric than other plant-based drink, such as almond drink.

I tried for the first time to prepare home-made dairy-free drink a few years ago, driven by curiosity and the need to have a healthy and quality product.
The first attempt, however, was a small disaster!
I did not have a very powerful blender. The result, however, was not satisfactory and most of the time I made my kitchen dirty as the drink splashed everywhere. It took me half an hour to make drink with little result, and I wasted another just to clean! So I decided that it wasn’t worth it and I gave up.

A few months ago, armed with hope and determination, I decided to try again using the Panasonic Slow Juicer to “juice” the almonds and keep their properties intact.
The result was fantastic: a homogeneous, creamy and lump-free drink. In a few minutes and without making my whole kitchen dirty, I had my fresh non-dairy drink ready, without any additives or added sugar!

The slow juicers, unlike blenders or standard juicers, do not have blades to chop the ingredients but they are real presses that extract the juice without heating it up and therefore do not alter the nutritional properties of fruit and vegetables.

If you are like me, tired of looking for a vegetable drink without sugars, additives or preservatives in supermarkets, it’s time to dedicate yourself to make it yourself!

Any more incentives to start or continue to make home-made vegetable drink? Save money, you have the full control of the sweetness, aroma and consistency of your vegetable drink and above all you know what are the raw ingredients used!

Happy dairy-free drink-making!


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Francesca Bettoni

Francesca Bettoni

Beauty therapist, fitness trainer and expert in sports nutrition, Francesca has always taken care of the wellbeing and health. Beauty Food Blog was created based on her love for food and nature, same as Francesca’s passion for photography and constant search of wellbeing through nutrition. The food can leverage our beauty and make us shining from inside!