Crusty Bread with Curry & Apricot Recipe




100g dried apricots
1 tsp dry yeast
400g flour type 550
1 tbsp rapeseed oil
2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp curry powder
1 tsp paprika powder sweet
270ml water

Note: The ingredient quantities are not compatible with Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100 - find the recipe suitable for PN100 (Smaller bread size) here



Open your Croustina Breadmaker, remove the baking tin and insert the dough hook into the provided shaft.


Roughly chop the apricots. Then pour the ingredients into the baking tin in the following order: dried yeast, flour, rapeseed oil, salt, sugar, curry powder, paprika powder, apricots and water.


Place the baking pan into your Croustina and close the lid. Select menu 1 and press start. Remove the bread from the machine after the specified time (135 minutes), allow to cool slightly and let cool out on a grid.

Tip: As an alternative to curry powder you can also use Ras el Hanout.


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100g dried apricots
1 tsp dry yeast
400g flour type 550
1 tbsp rapeseed oil
2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp curry powder
1 tsp paprika powder sweet
270ml water

Note: The ingredient quantities are not compatible with Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100 - find the recipe suitable for PN100 (Smaller bread size) here



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