How To Use an Air fryer

Air fryers are the epitome of efficient cooking, and are quickly becoming the space-saving kitchen appliance that everyone’s talking about. They heat up quickly so tend to save time and energy when it comes to cooking. In fact, a report by Utilita in August 2022, revealed we could save a huge £279.66 a year by simply cooking with an air-fryer (1)! Why not enjoy convenient and perfectly cooked food in three simple steps:

1. Add your chosen food to the Air Fryer basket with an (optional) small amount of oil.

2. Choose from 11 easy-to-understand auto programs to cook your favourite dish, alternatively, there is an option to use the manual setting. Simply set your desired time and cooking temperature, it really is as easy as that. Air fryers can cook so much more than we think, try veggies, chicken, steak, fish, pizza, cake, dried fruit and even toast! A family-friendly appliance and a great way to make healthier ‘fake aways’ such as fish and chips using a fraction of the oil.

3. Panasonic Air Fryers take healthy cooking to the next level, by including a gentle steam technology which enables us to enjoy food which is tender and juicy on the inside yet crispy on the out, without the need for additional fat. It’s like deep-frying without the grease. To utilise this feature fill the water tank, and increase the moisture level to your desired setting. Press start and let the air fryer do all the hard work for you.

Top tip: did you know that Panasonic Air Fryers have 360-degree airflow technology? This means they heats food from both the top and bottom, so less turning and shaking is needed to achieve that perfectly cooked dish! The nifty viewing window and LED light are a great way to check if your food is cooked without opening the tray which may otherwise result in heat and energy loss. All in all who wouldn’t want this ‘must have’ kitchen appliance?




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Lily Soutter

Lily Soutter

Lily Soutter is a leading London nutritionist BSc MSc ANutr. Her extensive knowledge of the science of food and health enables her to regularly write for national press and feature on prime-time TV shows. Lily’s passion is to simplify the science around nutrition, to provide health hacks and smarter eating strategies that empower people to enjoy a healthy and successful lifestyle.