Gluten-Free Farfalle Pasta Recipe




50g crushed linseed
160g carrot juice
220g chickpea flour
1/4 tbsp cumin
1/4 tbsp sweet paprika
100g dried pickled tomatoes
90-100ml olive oil
30g mixed sunflower seeds
1 small garlic clove
salt and pepper to taste
a hand full of frozen peas
a hand full of cocktail tomatoes

Note: The ingredient quantities are not compatible with Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100 - find the recipe suitable for PN100 (Smaller bread size) here



Mix the carrot juice and linseed and let them rest for 10 minutes.


Pour the dry ingredients into the Croustina bowl one by one and mix them roughly with a spatula.


Add the linseed mixture.


Select programme 14. The dough is kneaded for 20 minutes. Then it should rise for another 20 minutes. The programme can then be stopped.


Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface.
If it is too dry, add 1-2 tablespoons of carrot juice until the dough comes together. If it is too moist, add 1-2 tablespoons of flour.


Wrap the rolling pin in cling film.


Divide the dough in half, dust lightly with flour and roll out each half thinly one after the other (about 2-3mm thick).


Form the Farfalle from the dough. For this cut strips about 3 cm wide. Cut pieces of 4-5 cm long from the strips (work with a pastry wheel for the typical look). Press the pieces together in the middle. The Farfalle is ready!


Allow the Farfalle to dry on a floured surface for at least 1 hour (or overnight).


Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and salt. Cook the Farfalle until they have the desired consistency.


Quarter the cocktail tomatoes. Cook the frozen peas in hot water for 15 minutes.


Blend the dried tomatoes, garlic, sunflower seeds, olive oil, salt and pepper to a creamy pesto.


Mix the pasta with the pesto, garnish with fresh tomatoes and cooked peas.


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50g crushed linseed
160g carrot juice
220g chickpea flour
1/4 tbsp cumin
1/4 tbsp sweet paprika
100g dried pickled tomatoes
90-100ml olive oil
30g mixed sunflower seeds
1 small garlic clove
salt and pepper to taste
a hand full of frozen peas
a hand full of cocktail tomatoes

Note: The ingredient quantities are not compatible with Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100 - find the recipe suitable for PN100 (Smaller bread size) here



Fabienne is the author of the allergy friendly foodblog She creates tasty gluten free, vegan and sugar free recipes that she shares on her blog and instagram. Fabienne also writes about her life with food intolerances and allergies and wants to show, that even while suffering from food allergies no one has to miss out on the taste of good food.